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Tech, talk and teamwork


Our favourite words of IT wisdom? “Never let a computer know you’re in a hurry.”

it1 Tech, talk and teamworkBut today’s chart topper is a golden oldie from Microsoft maestro Bill Gates: “Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven: I don’t think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other.”

On that we agree: today, technology is an integral part of every business. Algorithms make the world go round.


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But can we do even more to ensure companies are harnessing IT’s full power?

Sure we can . . . and this is especially true when emerging tech is used to encourage better communication and teamwork.

There are many ways IT professionals can make collaborative working lead to joined-up strategies and clearly defined goals.



Enhanced online communication allows colleagues to be anywhere in the world yet simultaneously in the same room.

Such connectivity (aka magic) improves flexibility and efficiency, allowing multi-person video conferencing and real time problem solving.

Video conferences, in particular, can take talk to a new level among team members by removing the barriers of cold messaging and ensuring messages are shared ‘face-to-face’.

This creates much needed space for creative discussions, while removing the time and costs of arranging and travelling to meetings.

Essentially, having enhanced comms boosts teamwork across the entire business, making things happen more quickly – and with everyone ‘dialled in’, even if they’re still in their PJs.



Offering cloud capability is a great way to improve accessibility to shared files and work plan updates, especially when used in tandem with project management software.

Project management tools give the team a great overview, coordinating individual tasks while remaining focused on strategy goals.

Giving team members continual up-to-date access to information and the ability to securely share large files also removes the risk of delays and dithering.



Remember when office records were stored in a dusty filing cabinet? No, neither do we. And, as we’ve moved ever further from manual record keeping, tech now allows companies to keep records safe and implement systems that can only be accessed by the right people using the correct codes and private procedures.

Encrypted passwords offer increased multi-levels of security for the entire team, making it difficult for hackers to access your secret recipes for success.



A business can’t survive without happy, loyal customers, so using new technology to improve your customer service brings big rewards.

The IT department that pulls together sales, marketing and customer care teams to promote interactive websites and online support platforms helps a company work smarter and rise above its rivals.


If you can talk the talk, let’s walk the walk . . . right into a new IT/Telecommunications role with s1jobs.

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