Missing millions and poor passwords
Picture the scene. Ring, ring! “Hello, IT here, how can I help?” “Well, here’s the thing: there’s an account with millions of pounds in it and the only person with access just died.” Hmm, it sounds...
View ArticleScience fact not fiction
From boffins in Banff to brainiacs in Bathgate, Scotland’s scientific community is celebrating British Science Week in style. This ten-day festival of science, technology, engineering and maths kicked...
View ArticleLearn how to control your body language
Granny Ina never believed in the science of body language. “That’s why we have mouths, silly billy!” The truth is, our bodies involuntarily reveal an awful lot, especially at a job interview. From the...
View ArticleBring your personality to work
We spend so much time working out how to fit in we sometimes forget we were born to stand out. It’s all too easy to become one of the crowd. Never more so than when you’re sharp suited and booted for a...
View ArticleTech, talk and teamwork
Our favourite words of IT wisdom? “Never let a computer know you’re in a hurry.” But today’s chart topper is a golden oldie from Microsoft maestro Bill Gates: “Information technology and business are...
View ArticleIt all adds up to success
The 8th of April is the 98th day of 2019 and 231.2 months (or 7037 days) since the beginning of the twenty-first century. Did you know April 8 is also special because it’s a hot date in Mathematics and...
View ArticleKeyboards with the right characters
When a new character joined the Mr Men and Little Miss book series, female engineers were delighted Little Miss Inventor was challenging stereotypes. She has gone on to become a positive role model for...
View ArticleAll you need to know about data
Scotland’s digital technology sector is growing faster and is expected to keep on getting stronger throughout 2019. The latest Scottish Technology Industry Survey from ScotlandIS, which analysed...
View ArticleHackers, heroes and high stakes
From the US elections to our very own Brexit vote, allegations of interference from hackers have been flying faster than spy drones. Since nearly all our political, professional and personal...
View ArticlePower up your career in IT
As recent weeks have shown, IT professionals are more important to our daily lives than ever. They may have been the butt of jokes in the sitcom The IT Crowd, but computer wizards, digital innovators...
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