If you thought IT was only for computer geeks and science nerds, think again. It’s really not that fussy – it actually welcomes geeks and nerds from all kinds of work backgrounds.
In fact, there are many soft skills that will stand you in good stead for a job in IT.
Here are the top ten most transferable.
- Communication
Being able to chat with a client and nail down what they want is key to success in IT. Highlight excellent good communication skills on your CV and you make yourself instantly more employable.
- Teamwork
Even IT gurus can’t do it all on their own – they need the help of a team to achieve a top product. This can mean working together on coding or design but above all it means recognising the importance of sharing goals and tasks.
- Staying Calm
IT is known for its fast pace and often heavy workload. Having the ability to work well under pressure and against deadlines is an invaluable skill to ensure projects go smoothly.
- Time Management
The world may be digital but IT work has to go like old-fashioned clockwork. Showing examples of how your time management gets the job in the bag on schedule will put your CV to the top of the pile.
- Organisation
Not having different things cluttering your mind – or computer desktop – makes a huge difference to your ability to stay focused and to get things done.
- Problem Solving
One wrong line of code could set back an entire project. Having the skills to spot and solve problems quickly is a potential money-saver and client-keeper.
- Motivation
Being able to motivate yourself is a game-changer in the IT sector. Things can get mundane but having the ability to make tasks fun boosts productivity.
- Leadership
Having the words and actions that organise and inspire your team to pull through tough spots is critical. A happy team is a productive team.
- Adaptability
A background that shows you can adapt to different situations demonstrates to an employer you’ll easily transition to IT and can learn to work in new environments.
- Creativity
A creative mind offers fresh ways to approach IT challenges. It allows you to spot changes that make things run more efficiently. Being able to save your company time and money makes you invaluable.
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