If you thought the title of this article meant shooting zombies was a good way to shape up for a role as an IT pro, we’re sorry to disappoint.
Shoot-em-up scenarios can be fun of course, if a little gory, but we’re talking here about the kind of computer games where you need to use your brain as much as your trigger finger.
In many of today’s complex, multiplayer worlds it’s not being quick on the draw that wins the day but having tactical thinking, determination and an innovative approach.
All of these are talents that shine like bonus points to companies who are seeking winners to boost business.
So what skills can you learn from computer games that will boost your career?
First up is the art of problem solving.
Perplexing puzzles and curious conundrums are a large and often infuriatingly difficult part of games – just ask anyone who’s ever attempted the crossword puzzle in The Samaritan Paradox!
Solving these demands lots of analysis and leftfield thinking – and normally more than one pizza.
Honing these skills and having a similarly methodical approach to areas of IT troubleshooting will help you reach solutions with more speed and efficiency.
Being able to concentrate over long time periods is also a top skill – one that World of Warcraft fans need in spades.
Repetition and large dollops of patience, combined with an ability to plan ahead, all work together to build a mindset that can tackle long-term IT projects more effectively.
They also give you the dogged determination and immunity to distractions needed to build your own IT career, bit by byte.
If gathering such building blocks for your career is vital, there’s one final game that elevates this to a new level.
First we had Tetris, then a series of clones, and finally Minecraft – last month this Sandbox game hit more than 121 million sales, making it the second best-selling video game of all time.
Starting with no more than boxes and tools, players can go on to create virtual world masterpieces – making this one of the best games to nurture your creative thinking.
And this ability to be truly imaginative will be instrumental in IT, as it allows software and product development to go beyond the bounds of possibility – as well as your career.
Isn’t it time you got your game on with top IT roles on s1jobs?
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